Our story

We represent employees who have been treated unfairly by their employers or have had their wages stolen, and we are dedicated to providing them with the best representation possible. Our attorneys work tirelessly to investigate your case and find any remedy available under the law for you.

Our attorneys have been working with clients for years to help them find justice when they have been wrongfully terminated from their jobs or have been discriminated against. We provide legal representation to all of our clients, as well as free consultations so that you can get the answers you need before making any decisions about your case.

Our Mission

To provide the best service for all Latin American workers who have been discriminated in their work area.

Regardless of the conditions in which they find themselves, our lawyers will be dedicated to protect any worker who has suffered any injustice in their work area, always looking for the best options for all our clients and allow their rights to be respected according to labor law.

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633 West Fifth Street, 28th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071.
+1 800-715-0351

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